Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Fixie

This style of bike is typically known as a 'Fixie', why?  The reason being is the gear connected to the rear wheel hub is fixed to it.  Hub and gear are one piece, that means no free coasting no take a rest from pedalling.  If the bike is in motion your legs are moving.  Also as shown in this picture this bike typically runs with either one brake, always being the front brake.  This is more control of braking power, a rear brake on a bike like this only cause for the rear end to slide left and right.  Or no brakes at all, people who know this style of bike very well can ride with no brakes.  As well as your pedalling controls the speed going forward, you also have control of stopping by pedalling forward as you have no choice but to do so, but with putting backwards momentum on the pedals.  This all sounds very confusing and all will make sense when you get on a bike of this sort and try it out.

I have explained the operation of this bike too many people in many different ways, and it is hard for them to grasp, as they are so used to a normal bike they find it very hard to see anyway a bike can be.  So instead now of explaining i just let them hop on to my own, and watch the very confused looks on their faces changing too 'ahhhhhhh now i get it' type looks.

So why a bike with one gear, either one brake or none at all?  your typical bike has numerous gears and 2 brakes, that involves a lot of cabling, derailleurs, which leads fine tuning, and constant maintenance, a minimum of twice a year.  Also too these extra pieces stick out from the bike and are prone to damage.  With a bike like this the only things really prone to go really wrong, is for your chain to snap, which is very rare.  To get a puncture in your tires, which is something that will always happen, and if you ride bikes you will always be well prepared.

There you have it a bike with the geometry of a road bike, the strength of a dirt bike, and the functions of an urban bike.  With an initial fixed cost at the beginning, with very minimal maintenance/repair costs in the future.  A great investment to last that is for sure, it makes the ride a lot more dangerous as some people may view it.  As i am sure though most will agree it takes the ride to another level of adventure.

Enjoy :)

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